Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christian Bale Visits Aurora Colorado

Christian Bale is a true knight in these dark times. He's not the sociopathic Psycho Patrick Batemen as we would all like to believe right after his batshit crazy video on the Terminator set went viral. All is forgiven!

Thanks for showing up real classy, not in costume, just jeans and a black shirt just like everyone else.

Quite the stand up guy. Hope the visit will somehow give Christian Bale enough sleep at night. Well he's an actor and a very good and emotional one at that- for sure the pain of the Aurora shootings doesn't escape his thoughts. People got shot in a movie he starred in, no actor wants that kind of baggage.

Imagine, the last thing some of those people saw in that theater before they got shot down was his face on screen. Imagine, them now waking up seeing him at their bedside. Imagine the freakouts that must've been.

Bale looks like a difficult man to deal with, but I think his wife Sibi Blazic really knows how to keep up with his highs and lows, tempers and mania. 

Hey, he went to Colorado on his own, regardless the outcome. Christopher Nolan was just too stucked up in his ass to do the same thing. Nolan just watched shit go down on the news and all he could think about is his 'art' and releasing a statement about the savage shooter. boo hoo.

Publicity stunt or honest show of support - it doesn't matter, Christian Bale braved the public and the anguish of the victims to reach out in Aurora even for a day.

But the one coincidence that boggles me most with the Batman Trilogy - Is James Holmes and Katie Holmes related? Whoa.

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